“Just to be alive is enough.” Suzuki Roshi I’ve always loved walking. I walked to school as a kid and I walk to the bank or market whenever possible, or I just amble around town. Now … Continue reading →
“Just to be alive is enough.” Suzuki Roshi I’ve always loved walking. I walked to school as a kid and I walk to the bank or market whenever possible, or I just amble around town. Now … Continue reading →
“…what is inherent in you is presently active and presently functioning, and need not be sought after, need not be put in order, need not be practiced or proven. All that is required is to trust in it once and … Continue reading →
Bamboo is admired (and feared) for it’s tenacity. It’s steel-like roots can even penetrate concrete. In fierce winds it simply bends rather than breaking — a model of perseverance under pressure. It is actually a giant, primitive grass, a holdover … Continue reading →
“All beings are evolved from food” Bhagavadgita In the late sixties, while on an extended retreat in the foothills of the Sierras, I experimented with fasting. I was inspired, in part, by the fact that I didn’t have … Continue reading →