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BLOG POSTS — 2 Comments

  1. I landed on your blog from reader comments you posted recently to a NYT article. Since this is a public post I won’t go into too much personal detail. However, I thoroughly enjoyed your writings on meditation (I’ve had a practice since April ’20 and an interest for far longer) and then started going through your website generally. I especially loved your Part 1 and Part 2 Memoir. Brought back so many nostalgic memories of my time living in several different neighborhoods with a couple different boyfriends in San Francisco, initially in the Mission District as part of 3 young couples sharing a flat in 1971, those halcyon days after Women’s Lib and before AIDS. Moved to SF from the East Coast aged 22 and was there about 5 years before moving to Chapel Hill to go to grad school. Your writing is terrific! Both serious & informative as well as candid, poetic and very funny. Laughed a lot reading about your Haight adventures, Army time etc. Such a pleasure to be taken back in my mind to those great days of my youth, adventure & exploration. Thanks!

  2. Thank you so much for the kind comment Dorothea (beloved of God). It inspires me to work some more on my memoir, while I still have a few brain cells holding hands.

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